- Figura Professionale:
- Medico chirurgo
- Discipline: Allergologia ed immunologia clinica, Anatomia patologica, Anestesia e rianimazione, Cardiochirurgia, Cardiologia, Chirurgia generale, Chirurgia toracica, Chirurgia vascolare, Continuità assistenziale, Cure Palliative, Direzione medica di presidio ospedaliero, Farmacologia e tossicologia clinica, Geriatria, Igiene degli alimenti e della nutrizione, Malattie dell'apparato respiratorio, Malattie infettive, Medicina del lavoro e sicurezza degli ambienti di lavoro, Medicina dello sport, Medicina e chirurgia di accettazione e di urgenza, Medicina fisica e riabilitazione, Medicina interna, Oncologia, Radiodiagnostica, Radioterapia
- Costo: 680,00€ + IVA
- CHEST MEMBER: 550,00€ + IVA
- Responsabile scientifico:
- Girolamo Pelaja - William F. Kelly
- Programma:
- Scarica il programma
- Sede:
- Bologna Congressi Fiera - BOLOGNA
http://www.bolognacongressi.it/ - Regione:
- Emilia Romagna
- Obiettivo Formativo:
- Documentazione clinica. Percorsi clinico-assistenziali diagnostici e riabilitativi, profili di assistenza - profili di cura
- Numero Max Partecipanti:
- 400
- Test di Valutazione dell'apprendimento:
- 1
- Valutazione della qualità percepita:
- 1
- Contatti:
- Email: azienda@sintexservizi.it Telefono: 0266703640
Bologna, Italy, will set a perfect backdrop for CHEST Congress 2020, hosted by CHEST and the CHEST Italian Delegates. This premier education event in pulmonary, critical care, and sleep medicine will give attendees access to world-renowned faculty from regional and international centers of excellence. Whether you choose to attend sessions focusing on thoracic malignancies, airway disorders, chest infections, interventional pulmonary procedures, or sleep disorders, you can expect CHEST’s expertise in simulation-based education, case- and problem-based sessions, and evidence-based medicine to shine through. We will be featuring innovative and diverse education opportunities incorporating the best of CHEST Annual Meeting, including lectures, recent advancements in clinical practice and science, guided poster presentations, and hands-on simulation opportunities. Additionally, look for CHEST Challenge to come to Italy! This international meeting will connect the best minds in chest medicine from Europe, the United States, and other countries around the world to help you and your team learn the latest and greatest in chest medicine.
Italy attracts hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world each year, and it is easy to see why; Italy, a European country with a long Mediterranean coastline, has left a powerful mark on Western culture and cuisine. Bologna is the lively, historic capital of the Emilia-Romagna region in northern Italy. Piazza Maggiore is a sprawling plaza lined with arched colonnades; cafes; and medieval and Renaissance structures such as City Hall, the Fountain of Neptune, and the Basilica di San Petronio. Italy has easy rail transportation between cities so plan to extend your stay and visit any number of the great Italian cities, including Rome: home of the Vatican, landmark art, and ancient ruins.
We look forward to seeing you, June 25-27, at CHEST Congress 2020 in Bologna!

William F. Kelly, MD, FCCP

Girolamo Pelaia, MD, FCCP